Operating Systems > macOS
Anti Competitive Business Practices?
lookey here:
Trade in your Adobe Premiere CD and get Final Cut Express Completely free. How is that for anticompetitive?
PS I'm back from Germany.. just in case you didn't know that already.
You missed something, here. Adobe pulled Premiere for the Mac. Adobe doesn't compete with Apple anymore, so it can hardly be considered anti-competitive. It's a very good deal for Mac Premiere users who would otherwise have had to spend another grand for an alternative software.
[ July 17, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
You missed something, here. Adobe pulled Premiere for the Mac. Adobe doesn't compete with Apple anymore, so it can hardly be considered anti-competitive. It's a very good deal for Mac Premiere users who would otherwise have had to spend another grand for an alternative software.
[ July 17, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
--- End quote ---
I had no idea Adobe did that. I guess they knew that the Apple loyal would chose FCP over Premiere just because it is Apple? Or maybe FCP truly is better?
If Adobe had pulled Photoshop from M$ and suddenly Bill Gates introduced "Bobpaints4you" that was a photoshop clone and Windows only, you guys would be shitting enough bricks to make a 2 story house.
[ July 17, 2003: Message edited by: Jo Jo Headshrinker ]
FCP is better than premiere. but it is only available for mac. kinds sucks. i guess they use it as incentive to switch. But, there is also after effects to contend with. and combustion. in fact, the whole like of discreet film editing apps are tough to beat.
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