Operating Systems > macOS

Anti Competitive Business Practices?

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Why would we be shitting bricks over something that would almost definitely be utter crap?

The fact is that Apple produces both good software and hardware M$ does neither.

Infact I hope your prediction actually comes true, it would be the best thing that could ever happen. M$ produces an Wind$hit clone of Photoshop in their own idiom. Then just sit back and watch even more rats leave the sinking ship.

Thanks! Headshrinker, great post, good troll.


quote:Originally posted by Zardoz:
The fact is that Apple produces both good software and hardware
--- End quote ---


fuck adobe. they have a loyal user base on the mac platform. if they didn't destroy premiere for osx, then people might not have switched to FCP. imo, adobe did it to themselves. bastards  :mad:


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