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quote:come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college    

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'  
--- End quote ---

Well you must be really fucking stupid if you can't work a MAC, do you go to a special school?

OS X rocks.


quote:Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:
come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college   :mad:  

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'
--- End quote ---


well i don't think i can shoot you down any better then everyone else here did


quote:Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:
come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college   :mad:  

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'
--- End quote ---

My god, do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you can't even spell the word "the"? "macinCRAP" Oooh that's creative. What crummy mac-haters site did you get that from? You are an idiot.


quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
come on you guys! can't you see badass has a point? i mean none of you guys have come up with anything that convinces me that PCs don't pwn!!!!1oneone

--- End quote ---

huhm. well. PCs might pwn somethings. but not my mac. i will never pawn my mac. i will pawn a pc though. oh he probably meant "own". i dont see how a pc owns my mac either.
quote: come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'
--- End quote ---

that was the best argument i have ever heard. full of fact and totally convincing arguments. wow, have i been an idiot. i will now destroy my mac and bow my head in shame for doubting the almighty pc.   :rolleyes:

Actually pwn is internet slang. Gamers use it all the time.


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