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quote:Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:
come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college   :mad:  

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'
--- End quote ---

WTF??  :confused:  
you are an idiot.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha trolls are frikkin' funny  :D  --- go on an troll you little biatch cause you make me laugh  :D

I used to hate trolls until I figured out they had entertainment value  ;)


quote:come off it! you all know that PC pwn your macs!

I am forced to use macs at college

i tell you... as soon as i leave i never wanna see another macinCRAP again!

'Mandrake is teh win'

--- End quote ---

[ April 10, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]

come on you guys! can't you see badass has a point? i mean none of you guys have come up with anything that convinces me that PCs don't pwn!!!!1oneone



quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
come on you guys! can't you see badass has a point? i mean none of you guys have come up with anything that convinces me that PCs don't pwn!!!!1oneone

--- End quote ---

Ooops, I just saw that.   :D


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