Operating Systems > macOS

Netscape is running sloooooow

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WOW! Zombie! Is that you?


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
WOW! Zombie! Is that you?
--- End quote ---

Really, if it were my Mac I would be using IE. The only reason I didn't say anything about IE is because he said that his system can't handle it(it gets bogged down). I don't see a web browser bogging a system down, but that is what he said. ;P

Mozilla is the best non MS browser out there if you ask me so naturally I recommend Mozilla for people who don't want to use IE.

The only reason i want to be able to go onto the Yahoo Chat rooms is because my mum has alot groups she is part of in there so she needs to be able to go onto the chat rooms. Chimera is the browser i use for general browsing but my mum needs to use netscape to go onto the yahoo clubs.

As for bogging down my system IE and Netscape do that - netscape more actually but IE is unable to go onto the yahoo chat rooms.


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