Operating Systems > macOS

mac upgrades

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I am looking into getting an upgrade for my powermac . It is a Powermac G4 (AGP Graphics) with a G4 500, 1.25gb Ram, 80gig HDD, DVD-RAM, ATI Radeon 32mb AGP. I want to make it snappier so processor and video upgrades are what I am looking for.

How much and where from can I get upgrades for this computer (In Australia, Sydney preferably)?

Selling the computer is out of the question (because it is not really mine to own - rather mine to use as much as I want).

I believe you can order custom parts from the Apple Store.

Other World Computing... www.macsales.com

You can get processor upgrades from PowerLogix and Sonnet.

so as just based on these sites it will cost me $1000 - $1400 Australian dollars to upgrade my mac!    :eek:  
I was expecting 200-400 but    :eek:      :eek:      :eek:   !!!
This is really expensive for a cpu for a PC!

How is this cost justified?!?   :confused:  

[edit: typo]

[ December 13, 2002: Message edited by: smokey mcp0t / b0b is for the weak ]


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