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mac upgrades

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Smokey, you don't need a CPU upgrade. Concentrate on your video card. If you are running OSX Jaguare, a newer videocard will boost system performance 10fold. A 500Mhz G4 is plenty to run OSX, and just about anything else for that matter.

VidCard and RAM, will go alot further.


quote:Originally posted by smokey mcp0t / b0b is for the weak:
[QB]so as just based on these sites it will cost me $1000 - $1400 Australian dollars to upgrade my mac!     :eek:    
I was expecting 200-400 but     :eek:        :eek:        :eek:    !!!
This is really expensive for a cpu for a PC!

How is this cost justified?!?    :confused:  
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quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave: Mac Zealot:
Smokey, you don't need a CPU upgrade. Concentrate on your video card. If you are running OSX Jaguare, a newer videocard will boost system performance 10fold. A 500Mhz G4 is plenty to run OSX, and just about anything else for that matter.

VidCard and RAM, will go alot further.
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Yeah, go for the video card, and then go for a proc upgrade when you can afford it/justify it. For $1400
were you looking at the 1 GHz models?!

thanks for the recomendation - i should upgrade the gfx card. Ram upgrades are slightly pointless as this beast has 1.25 gig of it  :D    :D  . I will look around for a new GFX card to upgrade the radeon that sits in it.


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