Operating Systems > macOS
Updates to my site!!!
quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Factoid Fred says: PC users brag about what the media has said about their computers; Mac users brag about what they've done with their computers.
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Factoid Fred is dead wrong buddy. I for one don't give a damn about the media. I garantee I can do anything with my PC that you can do with your Mac. The PC is alot faster at doing it also(except for photoshop plugins with Alti-Vec optimizations of course...even though my Northwood's SSE2 would cream Alti-Vec if Adobe would optimize for SSE2).
quote:posted by zombie489463:
To make a long story short. Apple has excessive control over anything that has to do with Apple computers.
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OF COURSE THEY BLOODY DO!!! the commodity in question is the computer industry, NOT just Apple computers! (christ!), how can a company NOT be expected to have as much control as it can over its OWN interests???
quote:They try to control what software you use on thier machines and they will not allow for companies to make clones of thier machines because they want complete control of the Mac market.
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Well there are actually a few other OSs that run on a mac, namely BeOS and Linux, to name but two, probably OpenBeOS and BSD also, for another start, and Apple hasn't tried to run them out of business yet, have they. That thing about windows themes actually has nothing to do with things being run on a mac, which is what you imply, it is about infringement of the copyrights of the designers (or whoever owns said rights) of the OSX themes. If people started skinning OSX with M$ themes, do you think we'd see cease and desist outcries from Microsoft? sadly we'll never truly know since no fucker would ever want their mac to look like XP.
MacMan, no offence intended, i didn't mean it was devoid of substance, just that it also contains mouth frothing stuff, plus, i do reckon you need to be careful when dealing with windoids, they need to have things explained to them very simply, and possibly very slowly. Don't assume that just because you happen to be right, that people will accept it. You need to be patient to really change people's minds. On the other hand, you don't need to bother with all that crap if you are just in it to piss people off who take it all too seriously!!!
Since when has it been a crime to have control over one's own products? If this is true and Apple has a monopoly over it's own products (sounds dumb, doesnt it?) then so is Nintendo, Sony, and just about every other company out there. Microsoft doesn't only control its own products, but others' products as well. That is the true definition of a monopoly.
And with the ihateapple thing (hysterical laughter), boy that is hilarious. The dumbass webmaster broke the law and Apple burned him. But look at a site like enemy.org with all its Microsuck startup screens and you see that microsoft can't do a thing about them because the webmasters there were very careful to take those pictures from somewhere else or at least make it look that way.
maybe it's just that using Windows kills brain cells.
quote:Originally posted by Calum:
Well there are actually a few other OSs that run on a mac, namely BeOS and Linux, to name but two, probably OpenBeOS and BSD also, for another start, and Apple hasn't tried to run them out of business yet, have they. That thing about windows themes actually has nothing to do with things being run on a mac, which is what you imply, it is about infringement of the copyrights of the designers (or whoever owns said rights) of the OSX themes. If people started skinning OSX with M$ themes, do you think we'd see cease and desist outcries from Microsoft? sadly we'll never truly know since no fucker would ever want their mac to look like XP.
MacMan, no offence intended, i didn't mean it was devoid of substance, just that it also contains mouth frothing stuff, plus, i do reckon you need to be careful when dealing with windoids, they need to have things explained to them very simply, and possibly very slowly. Don't assume that just because you happen to be right, that people will accept it. You need to be patient to really change people's minds. On the other hand, you don't need to bother with all that crap if you are just in it to piss people off who take it all too seriously!!!
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Apple = Monopoly. It is the truth so you don't need to explain anything to me.
I know other OSes exist for the Mac, but I really doubt most Maccies would know how to install Linux...BeOS is dead so there would e no point in going the BeOS route. Believe it or not, Microsoft actually made a modified version of Windows NT for the Mac a long time ago. Apple has never made a MacOS for the PC(Darwin doesn't count becuase it is not sanctioned by Apple).
Apparently some people use those WinXP skins for OSX. If they didn't then it wouldn't exist for download. I know for a fact that the makers of the skins probably use them. duhhh. ;)
quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Since when has it been a crime to have control over one's own products? If this is true and Apple has a monopoly over it's own products (sounds dumb, doesnt it?) then so is Nintendo, Sony, and just about every other company out there. Microsoft doesn't only control its own products, but others' products as well. That is the true definition of a monopoly.
And with the ihateapple thing (hysterical laughter), boy that is hilarious. The dumbass webmaster broke the law and Apple burned him. But look at a site like enemy.org with all its Microsuck startup screens and you see that microsoft can't do a thing about them because the webmasters there were very careful to take those pictures from somewhere else or at least make it look that way.
maybe it's just that using Windows kills brain cells.
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Microsoft doesn't control anyone elses products. I would like for you to tell me what Non-MS products that MS controls. Thier products may dominate other products...but MS doesn't control the other products. It is the other companies faults that thier products get creamed by MS products because they spend more time suing MS than they spend on improving thier shit.
Oh no...IE is bundled with Windows....what about Finder being bundled with MacOS?
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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