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quote: Factoid Fred is dead wrong buddy. I for one don't give a damn about the media. I garantee I can do anything with my PC that you can do with your Mac. The PC is alot faster at doing it also(except for photoshop plugins with Alti-Vec optimizations of course...even though my Northwood's SSE2 would cream Alti-Vec if Adobe would optimize for SSE2).
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Factoid Fred says: Go to hell you jackass!!

Windoid, i like that!


quote:Originally posted by Macman:

Factoid Fred says: Go to hell you jackass!!

Windoid, i like that!
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My what a big pointer finger you have Fred.
Is that the same finger that you use to pick your nose and your ass?

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote: Microsoft doesn't control anyone elses products. Thier products may dominate other products...but MS doesn't control the other products. It is the other companies faults that thier products get creamed by MS products because they spend more time suing MS than improving thier shit.

Oh no...IE is bundled with Windows....what about Finder being bundled with MacOS?

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Microsoft doesn't control anyone else's products? What about Dell and Intel and Gateway, hundreds of game companies, and the list goes on and on! You are clearly ill-informed, my friend.

Everyone who makes products for mac (example: Ambrosia Software) does it willingly!

Dell is complaining because M$ has been putting a lot of pressure on them to design their hardware especially for windows lately. They made a deal with a huge corporation thinking they would be rich and now they can't get out of it! What better describes a monopoly than that??!!

Maybe Calum is right, maybe being right just doesn't effect your kind.

quote: My what a big pointer finger you have Fred.
Is that the same finger that you use to pick your nose and your ass?
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Ok, you ran out of real argument so now you're going to do this kind of thing? That is so typical of you windows lusers. If I could drop to your level for a moment,


Hmm... i may have gone a bit too far

no, you didn't go too far... right, let's get stuck in...
quote:Originally posted by Zombie96879672675640123:
Apple = Monopoly. It is the truth so you don't need to explain anything to me.
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i can tell you wouldn't listen anyway, why break the habit of a lifetime?

I know other OSes exist for the Mac, but I really doubt most Maccies would know how to install Linux...
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right, obviously that opinion is based on hard research. Many of the most popular Linux distributions could be installed by a 7 year old.  
quote:BeOS is dead so there would e no point in going the BeOS route.
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In one way, yes, but OpenBeOS is not dead, and while i'm at it, i notice you fail to decry BSD either. That's still 2 operating systems you fail to knock down, even with your biased loaded statements.    
quote:Believe it or not, Microsoft actually made a modified version of Windows NT for the Mac a long time ago. Apple has never made a MacOS for the PC(Darwin doesn't count becuase it is not sanctioned by Apple).
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Who cares? i suppose this proves to you how benevolent M$ truly is "giving" it's OS to those porr gullible mac users? get a grip! i suppose you will deny that porting NT to mac would have been a deliberate attempt to run Apple out of their own operating system? ALSO may i point out that with M$' current attitude towards licencing, the fact that NT can be run on a mac, just allows M$ to harrass people about having dodgy copies of windows. click here to see an example of this in action.

quote:Microsoft doesn't control anyone elses products. Thier products may dominate other products...but MS doesn't control the other products.
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Listen to yourself! Microsoft's products have control now? so windows has the monopoly while Microsoft are poor innocent vistims of their own software? what is this shit? are you always this unintelligible at 5 in the morning?    
quote:It is the other companies faults that thier products get creamed by MS products because they spend more time suing MS than improving thier shit.
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oh this is just fucking ridiculous! so you're saying that Microsoft's products improve faster than Apple's? what a joke. As you say yourself, there is no point explaining anything to you, you are just too far gone. For the record, Apple aren't suing Microsoft at the moment as far as i know.
quote:Oh no...IE is bundled with Windows....what about Finder being bundled with MacOS?]
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What about it? IE is NOTwindows explorer. I have uninstalled IE on my windows side, explorer still works fine (well, you know, as well as it ever did...)
Finder does NOT make my machine vulnerable to all sorts of backdoors and security holes et cetera.
Look, i'm sick of this pointless discussion, why don't you just get fucked and we'll call it quits?

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

OF COURSE THEY BLOODY DO!!! the commodity in question is the computer industry, NOT just Apple computers! (christ!), how can a company NOT be expected to have as much control as it can over its OWN interests???

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The thing is, Microsoft doesn't control the computer industry. You can buy OEM PC's with Linux and other non-MS OSes installed. You can't buy a Mac without MacOS installed. OEM's usually choose to pre-install Windows at thier own free will. As I already said. Microsoft doesn't make computers and they do not force you to buy thier computers to use thier software. Microsoft actually makes software for Macs, Apple doesn't do the same for the PC do they(with the exception of Quicktime for Windows which is utter crap..I have posted a thread showing why too)?


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