Operating Systems > macOS

Updates to my site!!!

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This has spun way out of control. I originally intended just to advertise my site. sigh....

Microsoft doesn't control anyone elses products. Thier products may dominate other products...but MS doesn't control the other products.

Listen to yourself! Microsoft's products have control now? so windows has the monopoly while Microsoft are poor innocent vistims of their own software? what is this shit? are you always this unintelligible at 5 in the morning?

As I said, Microsoft doesn't control the other products. MS doesn't tell them what they can and can't do with thier shit..therefore MS doesn't control the 3rd party product.

Oh no...IE is bundled with Windows....what about Finder being bundled with MacOS?]

What about it? IE is NOTwindows explorer. I have uninstalled IE on my windows side, explorer still works fine (well, you know, as well as it ever did...)
Finder does NOT make my machine vulnerable to all sorts of backdoors and security holes et cetera.
Look, i'm sick of this pointless discussion, why don't you just get fucked and we'll call it quits?

The point is, Apple bundles stuff with thier OS...but Maccies think it is so wrong for Microsoft to bundle stuff with thier OS. Just like MacOS has Quicktime bundled with it, but you hear Maccies crying that WMP is bundled with Windows. That is just straight up hypocritical.
I'll call it quits when you people can admit that Apple is no better than MS as a business.

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Zombie, go to bed.


quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Zombie, go to bed.
--- End quote ---

No, I still have another hour and 45 minutes left till my g/f gets home. I refuse to go to bed till I have someone to cuddle with. ;P

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

As I said, Microsoft doesn't control the other products. MS doesn't tell them what they can and can't do with thier shit..therefore MS doesn't control the 3rd party product.[/QB]
--- End quote ---

oh, i see, so what you are saying is that Microsoft does NOT set themselves up in a monopoly position, so that most bog standard first time computer buyers won't buy a computer without windows on it, and they also DON'T then proceed to blackmail computer vendors into doing exactly what they want by threatening to refuse them the legal right to preinstall windows on machines they are selling if the vendor chooses to preinstall certain other software on said machines, for example a non-Microsoft browser, just to take a random example out of the air?

This company wants total control over any market it deals in, and even some it doesn't deal in! M$ has never made its own hardware as far as i know, and still they make many (some quite successful) attempts to control the various aspects of the computer hardware industry. Lately the X-Box is a good example of that, new market, no chance of long term success against Sony and Nintendo, but the opportunity to have a quick hit and run advertising session targeted at impressionable young minds, and the chance to sell as many units as possible before everybody finds out that developers are all going to stop making games for it very quickly.
The list goes on.


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