Operating Systems > macOS

Updates to my site!!!

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hmm, re: a monopoly, it's when a single company has control over an industry to the extent that they effectively control the movements of all other companies in that industry.
Sure, one might say that Apple maintain a stranglehold over their own part of the industry, but compared to M$? monopoly, pshaw!!!


quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Well, actually i never said my site was original. I'm just doing my part to fight M$. maybe if Apple had neglected to put out their first macintosh for a while things would have been different. Instead of M$ stealing the idea and becoming the monopoly (ill get to that) that it is today I would be fighting Apple with the Windows Revolution (cringe). But for the meantime most of Microsoft's products suck and most of Apple's dont, so im going to support Apple.

About the monopoly thing, which would you define as a monopoly? A company which employs other companies to make its stuff, or a company that makes all its own stuff? I dont see how it would be inconvenient to have to buy all of your computer stuff from the same source, and if you can define that as a monopoly, then you pretty much can define just about anything.
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Go have a look at http://www.urbanslurp.com/ real quick and you will see what the E-Mail that Apple sent them says.

frothing at the mouth? If this means being angry for no reason other than being angry, then im sorry if my site has come across this way. In its early days it was most definitely like that, but after trying to argue with people like that, I evolved from a mac luser to a webmacster by trying to present less of my commentary and more information.

Factoid Fred says: PC users brag about what the media has said about their computers; Mac users brag about what they've done with their computers.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
hmmm, yes the site in question, while quite alright, does seem to be a bit on the frothing-at-the-mouth side. Still i think zombie is trying to stir up an argument where none exists.

All Macman did here (in this topic anyway) was ask a couple of questions and invite people to go and look at his site, that's not so bad is it?
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You know me, I've gotta have my daily dose of fun. ;P


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