Operating Systems > macOS
[flame] FUCK MAC [/flame]
YA I deffinetly agree with you VoidMan... I will get my protocall correct next time
But I didn't mean to generalize my statments so much, In the future I will make sure and reserve the term idiot for windows users
quote:Turns out the guy has never even looked inside his computer or has any inkling of how to use a fraction of the stuff he seems to think is so fantastic (he plays solitair an runs Word 95% of the time). When the thing breaks, he has no clue what to check and takes it to Best Buy were they can milk him for money.
--- End quote ---
This pretty much fits what I've thought of Windows lusers for quite some time - they don't take advantage of the few strengths of their platform, they don't know shit about the tech aspect, and they're also prejudiced against absolutely everything else, despite the fact they're ill-informed imbeciles (Try explaining what an Amiga is to a Windows supremacist for a laugh).
[ February 15, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
What a pointless topic...pc users are so biased it's not even funny...all you do is suck Bill Gate's cock because you've never used a mac before and you have to bash it....I'm a mac user, but you don't see me sucking steve job's cock cause I'm so loyal to him...I'm actually getting a pc soon so I can do some gaming...
Windoze! Windoze!
Not PC users. There's a diffrence
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