Operating Systems > macOS
[flame] FUCK MAC [/flame]
ARe you THE Gooseberry clock! From Newgrounds.com????
That is sooo coool!!! Could I have your autograph
things must be really slow if redmond is out trolling again..get a life guyz
Gooseberry Clock:
I think it's Strawberry Clock you should be asking for an autograph, not me.
[ March 01, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]
quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
I think it's Strawberry Clock you should be asking for an autograph, not me.
[ March 01, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]
--- End quote ---
Ya well, his movies suck but you guys did some cool spoofs. LOL... whatever
Just your standard troll, really. I dont understand the Mac bashing Myself. I dont use a mac (cant afford one) But I have used them, without problems. And I know enough about the technology to know its superior. Actually, I have a powerbook 5500 (can that be considered a mac?) but I havent used it in a while.
When I was using macs frequently, I used to get a lot of shit about it, but I think its mostly Jealousy. I am posting this from an AMD machine Running Linux, but if my doorbell rang, and some guy with a Mac in his hand said "wanna trade?" I'd do it.
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