Operating Systems > macOS

[flame] FUCK MAC [/flame]

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mikies obviously means something to do with Microsoft. so he's accusing all the posters on the Microsoft eradication society forums of being mikies. good move, dumbass. He is obviously one of those highly enlightened individuals who have been told the secret spiritual truth that you can't run anything except Microsoft software on a PC. Oh tell us more of your truths, mighty macman.

this moron does not deserve to be gone easy on.
i haven't visited his site, because it's obvious from his posts that this dickhead thinks his site should be the real anti-M$ site, and that this one is inferior.
Dream on, fuckwit.
Macman, apologise or piss off.


quote:I cannot believe the ignorance and stupidity you pc losers display!
--- End quote ---
And I can't believe the arrogance and self-righteousness of *some* Macintosh users!  You,  MacMoron,  are an imbecile.  Its people like you who give Mac users a bad name.  Just like its those Window's extremist who PC users a bad name.  Generalizations and stereotypes are never accurate.  You can like Macs all you want, but why don't you tone it down a bit when you go out evangalizing?


Master of Reality:
^^^this is a lot of replies, just to one dumbass.

its just the stupid people that dont know the difference in hardware and an OS

Well... That was interesting. When I wrote that nasty letter I was actaully aiming for the guy who originally started this topic, not any of you. It appears, though, that my message brought out the worst in most of you. Aplologies to anyone I offended (Except for Callum, who seems to be quite a moron himself). That also goes for Gunusto. May you both be hit by a bus. Preferably the same one.

Seriously, though, you people are quite good at making assumptions. Notice how I was talking in the singular, not the plural, when I started my rant? I usually dont attack people like that, but i guess you could call it venting. I put up with these meatheads every day, and it just felt good to rip on one, whether he even read my message or not.

Does anyone know if there's a way to change your signature, now that I've learned UBB Code?


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