Operating Systems > macOS

[flame] FUCK MAC [/flame]

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Hey Callum, maybe you would have better insults if you actually knew something!
"I'm not going to visit his site because i know it sucks" doesnt really affect me for some reason. Go figure.

And if brainless Mikiepawns like you are the sorts of people im making enemies with, then bring it on! You're certainly not very hard to argue with. Do you know whats worse than a Mikie? Their pawns!

Aww... that felt good.

Macman.... very few people here like M$. I seriously don't know where you get your beef.


quote:Macmoron said:
 (Except for Callum, who seems to be quite a moron himself). That also goes for Gunusto. May you both be hit by a bus. Preferably the same one.
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look who can't even spell Calum when it's right there on the page in front of you!
i tried to be nice, fucktard (see the moronic mac exclusionist post you started for details)
but you went and moaned on a bit too far.
I would never wish physical violence on anybody, except fascists. I wouldn't even wish it on you.
Your comments are weak and did not affect me.

Get a life, cuntlips, and grow up too. how old are you anyway?

How you can call me a mikie pawn is beyond me....
i hope you get bored and fuck off soon...


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Macman.... very few people here like M$. I seriously don't know where you get your beef.
--- End quote ---

up his ass.


quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Hey Callum, maybe you would have better insults if you actually knew something!
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like how to spell 'Calum'?  
"I'm not going to visit his site because i know it sucks" doesnt really affect me for some reason. Go figure.
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the reason it doesn't affect you is because nobody said that, dicksplash. some people whose opinions i respect said they didn't like the look of it, so i exercise my CHOICE (know what that means?) and don't bother going there.
And if brainless Mikiepawns like you are the sorts of people im making enemies with, then bring it on!
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bring what on, goldfishwit? i think you're the one who needs therapy, you're foaming...  
quote:You're certainly not very hard to argue with.
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who's arguing? you're spouting shit out of both ends, and i'm telling you what an idiot you are, no argument there!  
quote:Do you know whats worse than a Mikie? Their pawns!
--- End quote ---
does this make sense? answers on a postcard to...
seriously, is a mikie somebody who uses linux all the time? if not then you are not only barking up the wrong tree, you are in the wrong forest on the wrong fucking continent.  

Aww... that felt good.
--- End quote ---
aaawww, yuck! he's wanking at the same time as he's posting! this prick really likes to see his name in print......

[ March 26, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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