Operating Systems > macOS

[flame] FUCK MAC [/flame]

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To MacMoron:
quote: You idiot! You stupid piece of crap! I cannot believe the ignorance and stupidity you pc losers display! I know several "mikies" online and at my school and they're all the same! They throw blind insults that mean nothing yet they are too ignorant to realize when they have lost the argument! Would you pussies just kill yourselves? Through your blind arrogance you have helped Microsoft expand into the money-grabbing, crap-producing, evil monopoly it has become today!
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quote:Notice how I was talking in the singular, not the plural, when I started my rant?
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Yes, you may have *started* out in the singular, but you changed to plural after your second sentence.  "Losers",  "Mikies" and "Pussies" are all plural forms of nouns.  The proper singular forms would be "Loser", "Milky" and "Pussy", dumbass.  Thus our assumption that you were talking to multiple people is a valid one.  If you want to start a grammar war, we can,  but personally it I think it would be a waste of posting space.

quote:When I wrote that nasty letter I was actaully aiming for the guy who originally started this topic, not any of you.
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Then you should've been a bit more specific in your original post.  You were responding to something that was over 2 months old.  Other discusions having taken place in this thread and other people have posted.  How were we supposed to know that that post wasn't directed at one of them?

quote:It appears, though, that my message brought out the worst in most of you.
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Yes, Fuckwads like yourself do tend to bring out the worst in me.

quote:May you both (Calum and Gonusto) be hit by a bus. Preferably the same one.
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That would be kind of hard considering that we live on two *different* continents that are seperated by a large body of water called the Atlantic Ocean, MacMonkey.

quote:I usually dont attack people like that, but i guess you could call it venting.
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Its perfectly fine to vent, but next time be a *bit* more specific about the object of your venting.

And as I said in my other post, generalizations and assumptions are never accurate (i.e. your phrase "pc losers")  Just because someone uses a PC, it doesn't make them a "loser".  Being a "loser" usually comes as the result of using Windows.  And in case you missed the memo, there are other operating systems for PCs besides Windows.  So why don't you go back to blowing goats?  That way your mouth will be too full to piss off anymore people with your nonsense.


[ March 26, 2002: Message edited by: Gonusto ]


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

up his ass.
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Nice  :D


quote: look who can't even spell Calum when it's right there on the page in front of you!
i tried to be nice, fucktard (see the moronic mac exclusionist post you started for details)
but you went and moaned on a bit too far.
I would never wish physical violence on anybody, except fascists. I wouldn't even wish it on you.
Your comments are weak and did not affect me.
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I dont give a damn how your name is spelled, and that bus thing was a joke (although im starting to reconsider). And what about nazis? jeez.

quote: aaawww, yuck! he's wanking at the same time as he's posting! this prick really likes to see his name in print......
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Shut up, you idiot! i was venting and now you've ruined it so i have to vent all over again!

quote: Yes, you may have *started* out in the singular, but you changed to plural after your second sentence. "Losers", "Mikies" and "Pussies" are all plural forms of nouns. The proper singular forms would be "Loser", "Milky" and "Pussy", dumbass. Thus our assumption that you were talking to multiple people is a valid one. If you want to start a grammar war, we can, but personally it I think it would be a waste of posting space.
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True, I started out


quote:Originally posted by Macman:
Also, i have nothing against Linux or Unix (they are os x's cousins, after all)
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no, unix has been around since the sixties. MacOSX is something like 1 year old? that makes MacOS the bastard grandchild of unix or something similar...  
quote:but in my eyes using any PC at all will probably help M$ in some way.
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that's because you have been saving up for the last six years and you still haven't got enough to buy a clue.  
quote:i will also try not to judge the OS by its users.
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bullshit, every one of your posts so far has done exactly that.  

I will not be looking in this topic again. I think we should just close this and move on. Any response you leave here will not be seen by me.      
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I reckon that if i say  something like...

Macman is a total fuckwit and would need a map and 15 minutes to find his own arse!
macmoron is so stupid that people 'phone him up on "who wants to be a millionaire" to find out what the wrong anwers are!
macman makes his own cheese!
how do you know when macman is following you? you can hear his knuckles scraping along the ground!

...that macman would reply angrily, thus proving he is once more talking out of his arse and has actually seen this response. if you do manage to control yrself enough to refrain from replying, macmoron, i hope the seething impotence you will hopefully feel makes you think a bit before you post your next post. (but hey, why break the habit of a lifetime, eh?)

Plus, i reckon that it's quite elitist to start a futile argument in a topic and then claim that you will not even deign to read people's replies just because they don't agree mindlessly with the drivel that you spout.

Also, macmoron, there is actually a difference between fascists and nazis (while it is possible to be both at the same time). just another thing to add to the long list of things you are quite willing to talk about without knowing anything about it at all.

One more thing, you said that Gonusto and I should be hit by a bus, and then you said that you thought that was funny. that is your idea of a joke is it?
ha fucking ha, cunt. i will not lower myself to respond to your "joke" in kind, but an apology from you might be nice, rather than just some lies to cover your own arse, although i realise i am reaching for the sky here.

[ March 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

OS X is the bastard child of UNIX! Jeez... aren't there like ten billion variant's of the origional OS?

WTF, it's just one of it's LEGIT offspring.

If OS X is UNIX's bastard child, what is Linux?


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