Operating Systems > macOS

My New Forum Running On OSX

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I am trying to learn some stuff about Linux, specifically Apache, MySQL, and PHP.  I just installed a new forum that runs off of my powermac.  I need you guys to go there and try to overload it the site is:
So go there and try to overload it.

P.S. for you windows guys, this is your chance to jam a Mac

Ooooohh nice firewall...

A bit slow. What is your connection speed?

And your ISP doesn't allow servers, I presume. How did you get it to redirect to port 69? I'd love to know, as I am in the same predicament.

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man: Mac Commando ]

I joined!

Master of Reality:
for some reason my proxy wont let me go there.
I'll fix it and then look.

I'll answer your questions in order, but first, are you being sarcastic with the "Ooooh, nice firewall" thing or is my firewall actually any good?  Now to the answers.

I am running on Cox Cable, at around 5-8.

Yes they block port 80, those cox!

www.skinner.com is my step uncle's domain running off of his own Linux server. Therefore I asked him to make /jeffberg redirect to my IP Address 68.5.141.xxx:69, it is a standard apache feature.  I don't know how to add it in the config file, but in Webmin it is quite easy.

Also thanks for joining, now I have 6 members instead of 4, but you two failed in jamming up my mac.  Also I sent a mass email (assuming you put in real emails) you should get it, please tell me if you don't.

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: Billy Gates ]


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