Operating Systems > macOS

My New Forum Running On OSX

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We are an elite (though new & unknown) force of mac fanatics whose sole purpose is to convert the masses (windowslusers) to the greatness that is mac, or something along those lines. i have a count of two converts under my belt now. i am working on my next two...(evil laughter)

Here's the thread that started the Mac Commandos.

Xyle, what is your approach when converting?

[ November 20, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Commando ]

The best dyndns there is! (Well almost)

and get a FuckMicrosoft vhost and cname to your dyndns!

And my new nick says it all!

nmap be telling me this:

EDIT: I think I'll put that stuff in a PM instead.

[ November 20, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]


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