Operating Systems > macOS

My New Forum Running On OSX

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quote: Originally posted by Macman:
Xyle, what is your approach when converting?
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well, constant comparing helps. when my sister comes over, we get to talking about computers and she is always complaining that her (windows)pc is screwing up, or it did this, or she had to reinstall the os again, blah blah blah. then i say, well, my pc has its share of problems, but my mac hasnt had one major error yet. it hasnt crashed. if she has a problem, i compare it to my mac. now she wants one. so do my parents. when they see how clean it looks, and how easy it is to just start using it, they get this wide eyed look of "i never thought it could be like this!!". especially when i open the case for them, they always ask, where are all the cables, where is the clutter?!?!..they are very shocked that it could be so clean. so basically i am doing what the switch ads are doing, comparing winpc to mac, but i go the extra step and show them how it runs and show them things like how badass itunes is, or how easy it is to get photos off of my digital camera, i could go  on and on, but i think we have all heard it.    
i try not to force it to them though. i have found most people to be very unresponsive when i do that.

since I fit into the Mac commando category, could I join into it, and are there any requirements or is it just a fun thing to do to act as a group?

also, when I get around to it, I will do that dynamic dns thing to make my site more compatible for you wishing for more protection


quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
since I fit into the Mac commando category, could I join into it, and are there any requirements or is it just a fun thing to do to act as a group?
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just append a commando to your name, and your done

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b: Windows is gay:
my dicks currently this big:5d
--- End quote ---

ah ha ha, mines bigger

and billy why dont you get a host like blah.skinner.com cant you do taht and not have it redirect to your IP?? like the vhosts at blah.fuckmicrosoft.com


quote:Originally posted by bob:

ah ha ha, mines bigger

and billy why dont you get a host like blah.skinner.com cant you do taht and not have it redirect to your IP?? like the vhosts at blah.fuckmicrosoft.com
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I'm actually not certain he knows how, or has a reson for not doing it, he doesn't have an anything.skinner.com not even for his mail server and stuff.

Now I will append the :Mac Commando to my name


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