Operating Systems > macOS
My New Forum Running On OSX
No sarcasm, all of my basic port scans show your computer as dead - a good thing.
Secondly, don't post your IP on the board unless you like people trying to hack you.
Thirdly, I need to redirect my main addy to a port, not a subdirectory. So I need to find another way to do it. Thanks anyway.
He might as well post his IP, the redirect goes to the IP address, which means I can't get to it because I block all sites that go to directly to IP address and only allow named sites (makes life easier when setting up Squid restrictions). Is there any way you can get a host name from a dynamic DNS service for your dynamic IP address and have the redirect go to the name?
Master of Reality:
ya... my proxy blocks it too.
You should get a domain from fuckmicrosoft.com
well, i thought that i would join. and spread the joy that is... well, everything we can find to fight about. ;)
too profane for handing out those fuckbillgates.com/jeffberg sites at school, I'm only 16 you know. And to void man, isn't there a termporary way to get around your squid patrols? You don't want them on this forum, why would you want them on mine.
P.S. I have no word blockers because I'm too lazy to write them in, although I'm thinking of making Apple turn into everyone's favorite computer company or everyone's favorite fruit company, but I'm not sure I will follow through with that plan.
P.S.S. tell your friends about my site, especially if they like cars, if u notice the top of the forum is devoted to cars.
P.S.S.S. Me and some friends are making web pages for small fees in order to compete with other friends, and if I display to my parental units that I can host a successful web server, we could host our clients pages, for a little extra of course. So tell you friends that a couple of geniuses from Southern California are making web pages for cheap, and if we have enough customers willing to pay for their sites to be hosted, they will be.
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