Operating Systems > macOS

Kazaa on macs

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yeah poisoned isn't that great

limewire can be sorta slow though so I use aquisition, a lot of the downloads don't work sometimes though but its usually a bit quicker

oh yeah:

[ November 24, 2003: Message edited by: The Stiller ]

That's a pretty informative site there.

Nevermind, Poisoned kicks ass. Bye bye Limewire.

what made it kick ass?

Because, although many downloads don't start, you will get tons of them if you type in a specific song. Just go through like ten and click download, then delete the downloads that don't start. Some of the ones that did start will move very fast.

But unlike Limewire, you can't just type in the name of the band and download random songs. You have to do a little internet research first.


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