Operating Systems > macOS

Take a look XP Luser/Zombie at Windows Security

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[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Ex Eleven / b0b ]

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Ex Eleven / b0b ]

Percentage of MS Windows owners who have been screwed: 99,99 %

Your pie graphs lie, old man.

Good catch XP Luser, M$ actually only has 25.19% of the market share of active web servers. See: http://www.netcraft.com/survey/

And if you go by this one M$ only has 20% of the commercial web sites while Apache has 62%, and despite those numbers 55% of successful assaults are against Windows/IIS sites:

In fact because of this insurance companies have raised insurance premiums for MS/IIS sites to 25% above that of others.

And thanks to shoddy M$ software even our Girl Scouts were owned:

[ August 12, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]


quote:Windows XP User #5225982375: Your pie graphs lie, old man.
--- End quote ---

You haven't learned yet what those "pie graphs" are actually called, toddler.


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