Operating Systems > macOS

I have a question about MACs.

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i would like to hear from someone who's used a 2+ GHz P4 or other non-G4 machine, as well as a fast G4. i've used a 700MHz G4 and a fast P4 (don't know that actual speeds, don't care enough) and i dont' feel that the PC is any faster, despite the variance in clock speeds. benchmarking shows this to be true in amny regards too, but benchmarking isn't real life. i was wondering if anyone has had experience doing the same thing on a Mac and a different platform.

personally, i haven't paid for anything not made by Apple in 15 years. wait, i got a Motorola Starmax clone! ack! what was i thinking...

MacMan:  How are you liking Yellow Dog?  Do you know much about it?  I have a performa 6360 and would like to put Yellow Dog on it but am not sure of Hardware compatability.  I think it would be compatible with everything except my 400MHz G3 Sonnet Crescendo processor upgrade.  What do you think?


quote:Originally posted by krucz:
i would like to hear from someone who's used a 2+ GHz P4 or other non-G4 machine, as well as a fast G4. i've used a 700MHz G4 and a fast P4 (don't know that actual speeds, don't care enough) and i dont' feel that the PC is any faster, despite the variance in clock speeds. benchmarking shows this to be true in amny regards too, but benchmarking isn't real life. i was wondering if anyone has had experience doing the same thing on a Mac and a different platform.

personally, i haven't paid for anything not made by Apple in 15 years. wait, i got a Motorola Starmax clone! ack! what was i thinking...
--- End quote ---

I am a switcher and I still have a PC 1.7 Athlon with a Geforce 4 Ti 4400, u know, for games.  I also have a PowerMac G4 733 Quicksilver.

The Quicksilver is slower at easy tasks, like opening programs, word processing, and web browsing, etc, etc
The Quicksilver really excels when it comes into contact with complication, like Photoshop, and Flash MX.

However some complex tasks are better on PC's, mostly gaming
And Some Simple tasks are better on Mac, like browsing HD and copying files. (I was appolled at my PC, running Win2000, I was copying a file from a cd to the HD, it took 100% of my CPU and all of my other programs ran slower, this is unheard of in OSX)  I have not used OS9 enough to know if that has always been unheard of on the Mac.

P.S. OS 9 sucks ass


quote: P.S. OS 9 sucks ass
--- End quote ---

It's not that bad!  Of course I am only saying that because I have no choice but to run it.  :(


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