Operating Systems > macOS

video upgrade

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now that i own a 9500, what would be the best upgrade route, radeon, or geforce./*yes, im a mac newbie*/

No GeForce for that Mac. No AGP. You're limited to PCI cards, the best being a Radeon.
Should be more than enough for a computer that old.

A Proc. upgrade wouldn't kill you (or your wallet)

Conveniently, both the video card and the processor upgrades are all on one page!
Vid Card & Proc Upgrades

Caution: They list AGP cards on there. They will not work in that Mac - The 9500 has no AGP slot! Trust me!

After looking at the specs of that machine, you may want to consider a hard drive upgrade before a video card...depending on what you plan on doing with the thing.

[ December 01, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

i was planning on putting a g4 800mhz in it with a bunch of large scsi drives and a better video card. and a usb2.0/firewire card for kicks. then i want to max out the ram in it and go for osx

and i have seen geforce pci cards for macs

[ December 01, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

You can buy GeForece 2 PCI cards, and Radeon 7000 PCI cards from MacMall pretty cheep. I would recomend the ATI because it has video in/out. Thrugh S-video that is. Now adays you can do video in thrugh firewire if that's what you need.


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