Author Topic: Advertising Standards Association says MS is full of it.  (Read 867 times)


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Excerpt from the article
THE UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld a series of public complaints over an advert in a magazine comparing the cost of Linux versus Microsoft Windows.

An advert it ran compared the two operating systems to each other, but Windows was running on a measly dual 900MHz Xeon configuration, while Linux was running on a z900 IBM mainframe....the ASA ruled readers would infer the ad compared Linux and Windows OSes only.

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Advertising Standards Association says MS is full of it.
« Reply #1 on: 26 August 2004, 07:18 »
Finally, a word of sanity from advertising regulators.

The z900/Linux would beat the Xeon/Windows, IF the mainframe had more than one image running on it (which is the point of buying one).  Just figured I'd say that.
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Advertising Standards Association says MS is full of it.
« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2004, 16:45 »
And there is more slapping here ...

Looks like the big lie technique is not going to work Bill!

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