Operating Systems > macOS

Apple sucks DRM dick and pissis local Mac lover off!

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Well, now that I have calmed down a bit...

I don't think it's compleat fuckware... namely cuz I now know how to get around the 3 computer limitthing and not have the tough shit thingy  :D

Basically, once you got your music, burn it to CD, then rip that same CD back to MP3, oh happy day!


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Well, now that I have calmed down a bit...

I don't think it's compleat fuckware... namely cuz I now know how to get around the 3 computer limitthing and not have the tough shit thingy   :D  

Basically, once you got your music, burn it to CD, then rip that same CD back to MP3, oh happy day!
--- End quote ---

So: Pay. Mix. Burn. then Rip. Mix. Burn...


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Well, now that I have calmed down a bit...

I don't think it's compleat fuckware... namely cuz I now know how to get around the 3 computer limitthing and not have the tough shit thingy    :D  

Basically, once you got your music, burn it to CD, then rip that same CD back to MP3, oh happy day!
--- End quote ---

Well you don't really need to do that. If you can play an audio file they can't stop you from recording it. You just play the file and use something to record your machine's audio output. An even better solution is to not use Apple's shitty service.

[ April 29, 2003: Message edited by: flap ]


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Well, now that I have calmed down a bit...

I don't think it's compleat fuckware... namely cuz I now know how to get around the 3 computer limitthing and not have the tough shit thingy   :D  

Basically, once you got your music, burn it to CD, then rip that same CD back to MP3, oh happy day!
--- End quote ---

I actually read somewhere, I think there is a link in apple's hot news, that if you burn it then rerip it into MP3 it sounds like shit, sort of like macrovision for dvd's.

Whatever, I'm not pissed, as long as I can burn it to a cd, I'm happy.  But I like having a real cd, with cd quality, non compressed music.  I will most likely end up finding music on there then finding it in a store or on an online music store.  We shall see.  I will probably buy one album to help Apple's statistics.

Why not just have us download mp3s? Isn't the Music Store supposed to work with the iPod anyway?


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