Operating Systems > macOS

another dumb question

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Oh, I'll *still* be a Linux head and the majority of my machines will be running Linux.  But instead of having the token Win machine lying around I can have the token OSX machine.

Damn straight! Onward the revolution!  ;)

I think it would be suicide for Apple to go to the x86. Most Windoze users I've talked to think nothing of pirating all available software, movies, and music.

So if Apple went into the x86 with selling their OS X at even a lower price than MIcrosoft, they'd be selling their OS to a bunch of people who will just go to <insert name of warez site here> and download it without paying.

That's the reason why open source has taken off so fast - it's cheap (read: free) and naturally appeals to the pirating, worthless droves of windoze drones.


quote:Originally posted by Ravuya:
I think it would be suicide for Apple to go to the x86. Most Windoze users I've talked to think nothing of pirating all available software, movies, and music.

So if Apple went into the x86 with selling their OS X at even a lower price than MIcrosoft, they'd be selling their OS to a bunch of people who will just go to <insert name of warez site here> and download it without paying.

That's the reason why open source has taken off so fast - it's cheap (read: free) and naturally appeals to the pirating, worthless droves of windoze drones.
--- End quote ---

My personal opinion of open source is just a _little_ more positive, but otherwise I absolutely agree. Besides, it's not just Winblows users that like to pirate software; Apple recently ran into some problems involving some Mac OS X 10.0 to 10.1 upgrade CDs that could be hacked to install the full OS onto an empty drive . . .

Sure there are people out there who are going to pirate, but you know what?  Pirating to a certain extent is good business (they'll never publicly say this though).  Why?  Because it's "try before you buy".  The more people that become familiar with this OS the better, so when they *do* go out into the world of business they may choose to dress their company in OSX and not WinXPee.  Those "companies" usually pay for *most* of what they use.  There are a lot of dollars there and those kiddies that pirate it in the first place will buy it down the road.


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