Author Topic: Lombard G3 Powerbook opinions  (Read 843 times)


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Lombard G3 Powerbook opinions
« on: 28 December 2002, 21:00 »
I ordered it last Saturday (Dec 21), but holiday schedules and Airborne Express' wierd concept of "two day air" (that is, it will be travelling for two days, not necessarily consecutive days. those two days might be a week apart, but it'll only take two days of actual travel time) means it won't arrive until Monday.

Ten days = 2? How's that work? As a fella over on The Register said, it's math like this that allows an italian bistro to fly through interstellar space at the speed of light.

Anyway, I was just looking for opinions on the Lombard. I honestly wanted a Wallstreet, but when I found I could get a nicely equipped G3 400 for not much more. It's got 256MB of RAM, a DVD drive, and a rather wimpy 6GB drive. What's everybody's take on the Lombard, the middle sibling in the G3 powerbook line. It's not "aging" like the Wallstreets (which still kick much ass regardless) but it's also not "spry and youthful" like the Pismo.

Anybody got one? If so, what do you think of it?
Go the fuck ~


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Lombard G3 Powerbook opinions
« Reply #1 on: 31 December 2002, 00:33 »
A solid machine, IMHO, definitely still viable today. My friend uses it as his main machine and does development on it (see Quicktime thread in this forum).