Operating Systems > macOS

Macs are propaganda? (Bullshit...)

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Is it just me, or does it look like that guy's actually SERIOUS about some of this shit?

Edit: I know it's old news... but it still stings.


Yes, it's old, indeed. And this goes in the Mac OS section.

Back to topic. Yeah, weird. Reminds me of the nutcases who condemned Harry Potter books for advocating witchcraft. I do hope this is a joke.

[ January 09, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

Those guys are funny. Even if they're serious, they're funny.

heh heh

they have a whole page trashing landoverbaptist.org


theres no way in fuck that can be serious

[ January 09, 2004: Message edited by: The Stiller ]


quote:The Stiller: they have a whole page trashing landoverbaptist.org
--- End quote ---

Landover Baptist rules! This one is hilarious: Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior and Get a Free PlayStation 2!.

The Mac-hating website seems to want anti-Christian stuff to be illegal. What ever hapenned to freedom of speech? They are an insult to real Christians, who actually have a sense of humour.


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