Author Topic: Microsuckass Winbloat reminds me of cellulite, fat, lipids, and disgusting blobs  (Read 1744 times)

Doctor V

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man, after getting spoiled by Linux and having to go back to windows at work is what really set me off.  Windows is a bug-ridden, maggot infested pile of horse crap. Relying on windows for anything is fucking dangerous.  It does not work!  Linux always works, with windows at times it does, and at times it dosn't like the flip of a coin, or the roll of a dice.

KDE vs Gnome?  I use a bit of both, but there really is no competition, KDE wins hands down.

Zombie, I thought you were going away, do we have to fuck up your picture again?


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Originally posted by chaosforages:
and the celey's bit ass. for what you would use a celeron for, use a c3. it is cheaper and uses less power and runs cooler at that

on this note, is it possible to just whip my celery 700 out of my computer and slap in a better CPU? if so, what CPU is compatible? or does it require a whole motherboard upgrade for this?

oh and just to keep the fans of puerility going:

tee hee hee!   ;)
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Originally posted by chaosforages:
and the celey's bit ass. for what you would use a celeron for, use a c3. it is cheaper and uses less power and runs cooler at that

Shit, a freaking 500mhz Celeron(Pentium II core) can smoke a 750mhz C3 easily. The Coppermine Celerons(PIII w/SSE but only has half the cache memory of the actual PIII) and PIII's kick the shit out of any Via C3 CPU out to date(Calum has a 700mhz Coppermine). The only thing a C3 is good for is a low power, long battery life Laptop or a cheap, low end server that is being run 24/7(then the power savings would be worth it). There is no reason to use a C3 in a desktop that is constantly plugged in because all of the Intel and AMD offerings are just simply faster(alot faster) than Via's offerings. He wants to upgrade performance, not degrade it.   ;)  

To Calum,
Ha, Ha. Funny man. On a more serious note, you asked about slapping in a new CPU. Well, your board probably only supports up to a 1.13ghz PIII(Coppermine). A 1.13ghz PIII is a hella lot faster than that Celery you have right now. I would take a 700mhz PIII over a 800mhz Celery simply because the cache difference between the 2 is enough to make a big difference in game and app performance.

If you buy a new PIII be sure that you don't get a Tulatin unless your board supports Tulatins(the fastest Tulatin PIII out is 1.4ghz).

[ February 08, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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for shame, for shame. I tried to play a video on the celery, 720x512 resolution, variable color depth, 16 bit 44KHz stereo audio, cinepak compression.

what a turd. it was nothing but a slideshow with music. I got the first image, part of the third, it stuttered with a couple of transitions, then QT5 crashed.

I played the very same file on my "obsolete" Power Mac 7200. Stock 120MHz PPC 601. I upgraded it to a Voodoo 3 2000 video card, but the acceleration drivers weren't active... that's right, unaccelerated video. The video played flawlessly. The worst part is that the ex pee box was running it off the HD. the 7200 ran it off the 2x CDROM.

I reiterate... what a turd.
Go the fuck ~


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I have GNOME on a K6-2 300mhz and it does fine, although it does take OpenOffice approx. 2.4 hours to open, other than that it gets around.  lol oddly enough that 300mhz does have 1gig of SDRAM, lol my gaming machine doesnt even have that much, and the mobo has 3 ISA 4 PCI and an AGP, other than my modem, sound card, and GPU, it is all filled with shit that i never use (xmple: usb 1.0 hubs WTF)


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Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Gnome is fugly. I bet KDE 3 doesn't run so hot on that 500mhz Celery. ;P BTW, Windows 2000 would run fine on that 500mhz Celery too.

Win2k loadlags like my nan on a 466mhz, a 500 would not be far off.


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Windows XP works quite fine on my Pentium 200 MHz... just uninstall all the fucking shitware that come with it, disable shadows under menu's, and it works fine...

Yes I think Windows XP sucks arse, but it works fine on a Pentium 200 MHz for some weird reason... oh yes, and what I find more interesting, Windows XP runs faster on a Pentium 200 MHz than on a Pentium 3 700 MHz (yes, I've tested this).


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And if you disable the fancy GUI in Linux and use something like fluxbox you can run it on a pentium 60.

Just curious, what programs do you run on that 200 mhz xp box, cause I had a pentium 166 and windows 98 was merely ok on that.  XP is a lot more bloated than 98.  Shit, windows 95 needs a 486 to run.


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What I run on my P 200 box with Windows XP:

Some applications:
Mozilla 1.2.1 Dutch
ZoneAlarm Pro 1.0.1 Dutch
QuickTime 6 Dutch
IrfanView Dutch
Vi IMproved Dutch
Ad-aware 6

Doom 95 (flawless)
Outlaws (flawless)
Interstate '76: Nitro Riders (flawless)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Dutch (slower, but still very playable)
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun (slower, but still very playable)
Unreal Tournament (slow, but still playable)
Red Faction (slow, but still playable)

[ February 09, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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If what you say is true, then Microsoft are liars!

Have a look at this I got from their website:

Here's What You Need to Use Windows XP Home Edition

    * PC with 300 megahertz (MHz) or higher processor clock speed recommended; 233-MHz minimum required;* Intel Pentium/Celeron family, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor recommended
    * 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended (64 MB minimum supported; may limit performance and some features)
    * 1.5 gigabyte (GB) of available hard disk space.*
    * Super VGA (800


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If what you say is true, then Microsoft are liars!
Not necessarily. The minimum requirements are just suggestions. After all, I had Mandrake 8.1 running on an old Dell OptiPlexGSa with 32MB of RAM, even though 'Drake recommended a minimum of 32MB. It ran just fine, and with KDE for the desktop. The one and only problem that I had was that Konqueror ran very slow.

These requirements tend to be on the conservative side to insure that it will run at all if you're near the minimums. They're not necessarily set in stone.
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just to clarify...

Go the fuck ~