Author Topic: E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.  (Read 699 times)


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« on: 26 July 2002, 20:50 »
It must be a bad time to be an Apple Loyalist. This must be a kick in the bullocks....Apple is charging for thier E-Mail services now. Even Microsoft still offers a free 2MB account for thier hotmail services. Apple must be in a really big debt hole seeing how they are charging for every "what should be free" service. Thank god I'm not loyal to Apple. ;P

[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #1 on: 26 July 2002, 21:20 »
And Microsofts one gets shitloads of Spam, I get no spam in my Netscape/AOL account, and my provider account has been getting it since i signed up for CJB.NET I know its CJB because its the only thing i put Ex in as my first name and Eleven as my last and it gives me emails like:

Hello My Eleven


Hello Ex,
Want to be a better moderator, take ModPILL they will make you be able to delete zombies posts in rapid succsession  

The ModPill bit is a bit fake but the name bits right!


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #2 on: 26 July 2002, 23:46 »
Um yeah, if you don't mind HotMale your sent messages without warning you.


[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]

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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #3 on: 27 July 2002, 10:12 »
I use beermail... the ultimate mail
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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2002, 01:14 »
The real best way to get free email with a Mac is to set up a mail server... Apple makes it so much easier than every other OS too. I can't possibly see why most people aren't going this route.


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #5 on: 28 July 2002, 11:39 »
its called cable modems' EULA, as in, no servers, no this no that. it is illega to hook up a router for gods sake
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #6 on: 29 July 2002, 01:18 »
Well then just call it a "firewall" instead of a "router" because it really isn't a router anyway, it's a firewall.  It doesn't run RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, etc, not a router.  Don't know why they call them routers when they aren't.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
« Reply #7 on: 29 July 2002, 21:51 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
its called cable modems' EULA, as in, no servers, no this no that. it is illega to hook up a router for gods sake

I got news for you: people don't care shit about their cable EULA. Hell, most people don't even read the damned thing past the signature line. Some EULAs forbid you to run 'unsupported' operating systems on their line (ie Linux), and some others forbid you from using file sharing services to violate copyright.

I'm just glad there's that one group of people fighting the cable modem EULA's.