Operating Systems > macOS
E-mail's not free? Mac owners flee.
It must be a bad time to be an Apple Loyalist. This must be a kick in the bullocks....Apple is charging for thier E-Mail services now. Even Microsoft still offers a free 2MB account for thier hotmail services. Apple must be in a really big debt hole seeing how they are charging for every "what should be free" service. Thank god I'm not loyal to Apple. ;P
[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
And Microsofts one gets shitloads of Spam, I get no spam in my Netscape/AOL account, and my provider account has been getting it since i signed up for CJB.NET I know its CJB because its the only thing i put Ex in as my first name and Eleven as my last and it gives me emails like:
Hello My Eleven
Hello Ex,
Want to be a better moderator, take ModPILL they will make you be able to delete zombies posts in rapid succsession
The ModPill bit is a bit fake but the name bits right!
Um yeah, if you don't mind HotMale your sent messages without warning you.
[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
Master of Reality:
I use beermail... the ultimate mail
The real best way to get free email with a Mac is to set up a mail server... Apple makes it so much easier than every other OS too. I can't possibly see why most people aren't going this route.
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