Operating Systems > macOS
Apple ][ Gs
I was just reminescing (sp?) about my first *real* PC I ever had in my life, and was just wondering if anyone else had one of these boxes. From what I remember, they were "the poor man's Mac" back in the day, and they had a kick-ass sound chip at the time. They didn't have a Hard Drive, and the CD-ROM support was kind of limited. Decent graphics though. I remember playing this game called Tass Times in Tonetown when I was a kid.
Anyone know anything about these things? I am interested to know what OS they came with, and/or if anyone tweaked one of these boxes to do some cool stuff. I saw one on E-Bay for $.02 yesterday, and I am wondering if I should splurge to relive some memories.
Since when have apples not been apples!!!
Wrong theread.. Mor-ON!
www.emulation.net has some IIGS relevant stuff, including where you can download the IIGS desktop envirinment which mimiced the Mac.
You can also d-load Wolfenstine 3d for the IIGS.
A computer for 2 cents? now that's weird
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