Operating Systems > macOS
Apple ][ Gs
The IIgs was a great piece of hardware, especially the Woz edition.
I've got a II GS sitting in the guest room; I got it off eBay a couple of years ago. It can run the Apple II family of OS's (DOS 3.3, ProDOS) and GS-OS, which is, if I'm not mistaken, something between ProDOS and early Mac OS (though more like ProDOS). I regret to say I haven't really played with it nearly as much as I'd like to have, though.
quote:I've got a II GS sitting in the guest room; I got it off eBay a couple of years ago. It can run the Apple II family of OS's (DOS 3.3, ProDOS) and GS-OS, which is, if I'm not mistaken, something between ProDOS and early Mac OS (though more like ProDOS). I regret to say I haven't really played with it nearly as much as I'd like to have, though.
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Thank you...
quote:Since when have apples not been apples!!!
Wrong theread.. Mor-ON!
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Fuck you....
I was very young when I had the ][GS, but I remember running a few commmands....actually, only one command. If you had to launch something, you had to BRUN [FILE]. Not sure what OS that is, though.
I do remember one thing, we had the 'Woz' signed "limited edition" ][GS. My dad took the original back to wherever he bought it from, claimed it was "broke" then we had the 'Woz.'
I started in a IIe
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