Operating Systems > macOS

Apple is Proprietary BOO HOO!!!

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I'm really getting sick of people holding this over our heads. What the hell do you want, for Apple to give out its source codes and make all its stuff free overnight? That would be disastrous!! Unlike Microsoft (who thinks that tightening its grip will defend it when doing this is actually hurting them more), Apple is adapting to the OSS movement. It's happening, you just have to be patient. So how about we focus on ragging on Microsoft for not even knowing how to cope with OSS okay?

i agree. i think apple is moving in the right direction.

i second (or really third) that

I'm not going to enter this discussion once more, because I believe that whatever there was to say has been said and written.  


quote:Originally posted by Panos:
I'm not going to enter this discussion once more, because I believe that whatever there was to say has been said and written.      
--- End quote ---

I second Panos on this.

As the indians used to say:

"You fish on this side, I fish on that side, and nobody fishes in the middle."


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