Operating Systems > macOS

Apple is Proprietary BOO HOO!!!

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Remember that big argument we had where Panos almost left? You guys were ragging on Apple because they were proprietary and you like to "remind" us of that every chance you get. I just got sick of it so I started this topic. Now whenever someone says that I will just link them here.

OS ten is a great os.  Someone just needs to compile it for AMD and Intel processors.

YOu know what i mean.


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
OS ten is a great os.  Someone just needs to compile it for AMD and Intel processors.

YOu know what i mean.
--- End quote ---

Oh, so now I'm stupid retard huh?


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
OS ten is a great os.  Someone just needs to compile it for AMD and Intel processors.

YOu know what i mean.
--- End quote ---

Yeah because porting aclosed-source OS to a completely new architecture is that simple. Doofus.


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