Operating Systems > macOS
Apple is Proprietary BOO HOO!!!
I hold nothing against anyone who uses OS X. I think it's (technically) a great OS, but I will never use it myself until the whole thing is put under the GPL/similar license. Why are we bringing this up again?
I agree. Lets remember the name of this site... fuckmicrosoft not fuckapple. And yes, I think Apple is moving in the right direction. Although I do not consider myself to be a big supporter of "Free Software"
I strongly support Open Source *of* *course*. However, I do not have a problem with proprietary code. There are business reasons for these things people! I respect Apple because they have great software and a great OS. I think they would deserve my money if I had money to give them. They are embracing the open source movement, but it is not core to their business yet. They need to do it right, or not at all, or they could lose a lot of money and their competitive edge. We should be happy that they are not stooping to business practices ala Microsoft.
I love OSX, absolutely love it. I've used it at school and it's absolutely beautiful, very stable, and I love the Darwin core. However, I don't have the money to switch to PPC, because when I do switch, it will be with the fastest Mac on the market. In normal circumstances I would *not* switch, because x86 is cheaper. Instead I would run both, but I am terribly afraid of how Microsoft can take advantage of Intel's venture into secure computing.
Of course I would dual boot the Mac with Linux .
I agree with you, solo. I am also a strong supporter of Apple (even though I do not own a Mac yet), as well as many other companies who make good products, but can't afford to give their secrets away. I find it sad that many free software supporters brand such companies as "evil" just because they don't adopt their views. As Eric Raymond says, open source should only be used when it is to the advantage of the business.
Apple is about the best balance you're ever gonna get between proprietary and open source. One one end, you have M$, on the other, you have Linux and GNU. It's has aspects that will please people on both sides, but will probably annoy some as well.
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