Operating Systems > macOS

This shit's funny :D



Ok, it's hard to explain if your not an old skool mac user. But the fact is that these viruses have been around for years!!!!

Their making it sound like these viruses are a recent threat with OSX. They even site the UNIX core as if theis somehow makes it vulnerable to, extremely rare Classic MacOS virii. Then at the end, who does the damn thing link to! Symantec haahahahha

Whatever, just funny.

Master of Reality:

quote: *  Mac.Simpsons@mm: an AppleScript worm that targets the Macintosh platform. It may open Microsoft Outlook Express, and send a copy of itself with the original message to everyone in your address book. The name of the script is "Simpsons Episodes."
--- End quote ---

Well well, looks like the first virus they list affects a Microsfot product. What a surprise... I thought Microsoft made quality secure software that wasnt susceptible to viru.

That is pretty good, it's obvious Symantec is paying them to write an article about the 4 Mac viruses people can still find.. what's next? "THREAT ALERT: SCORES VIRUS"?  ;)

"Someone can push the power button when you're not around"

Master of Reality:
i am serious, never use the key on a PC that locks the computer (keyboard). I spent many, many hours trying to get my computr to work after i did that. It should've worked after i put a jumper on a certain pin on the mobo but it didnt work. I ended up having to buy to get a new mobo (cost someone else $18, they gave it to me).


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