Author Topic: Microsuckass Winbloat reminds me of cellulite, fat, lipids, and disgusting blobs  (Read 1741 times)


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well, after getting my iBook, I let my little sis take over my iMac 500 for a while. that means her emachines wintel box is now in the guest bedroom. I plugged it all in and fiddled with xp pro for a few minutes.

After leaving Win2000 for Linux, then jumping ship to Mac OS, and moving up to OS X, let me say, trying to use XP for even a little while is... tedium. It's so fucking sluggish (yeah... I ran OS X on a G3 and I think XP is sluggish) even on a farkin' 1GHz celery.

XP conjurs up images of jabba the hutt for me now. what a turd. what a turd.
Go the fuck ~


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XP = Xtra Profit

XP PRO = Xtra Profit Per Ratio Overdrive
Silly I know but can you come up with anything better?
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evidently microsoft can't.
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Originally posted by Jimmy James: Mac Commando:
well, after getting my iBook, I let my little sis take over my iMac 500 for a while. that means her emachines wintel box is now in the guest bedroom. I plugged it all in and fiddled with xp pro for a few minutes.

After leaving Win2000 for Linux, then jumping ship to Mac OS, and moving up to OS X, let me say, trying to use XP for even a little while is... tedium. It's so fucking sluggish (yeah... I ran OS X on a G3 and I think XP is sluggish) even on a farkin' 1GHz celery.

XP conjurs up images of jabba the hutt for me now. what a turd. what a turd.

XP isn't slow at all on Pentium 4 and Athlon systems. You are using a freaking Celeron and wonder why stuff is slow? Celerons suck ass man. Even an AMD Duron is better than a Celeron(A Duron is about on par with a Pentium III).

[ January 30, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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GNOME runs fine on a 500 mhz celeron.


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Originally posted by Zombie9920:

XP isn't slow at all on Pentium 4 and Athlon systems. You are using a freaking Celeron and wonder why stuff is slow? Celerons suck ass man. Even an AMD Duron is better than a Celeron(A Duron is about on par with a Pentium III).

a phrase springs to mind regarding a bad workman and his tools.
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Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
GNOME runs fine on a 500 mhz celeron.

Gnome is fugly. I bet KDE 3 doesn't run so hot on that 500mhz Celery. ;P BTW, Windows 2000 would run fine on that 500mhz Celery too.


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'GNOME is fugly' isn't really too conclusive. on the other hand i must say that on my celery 700, WinME, KDE and GNOME tend not to be all that much slower or faster than each other (that i have noticed). It's not really a fair test though, because i can honestly say i have never needed to boot into windows even once since i set it up two months ago.
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i have kde on a pentium II 450 & it ruuns fine. not slow, or extremely fast. it runs fine. now, if i were to put xp on there it would whine & bitch until i spent a few more thousand dollars on a system i dont need.


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Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Gnome is fugly.

I have to disagree.  Gnome is not "fugly."

Here's a screenshot of my Gnome desktop.  I don't consider it ugly at all.


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ecsyle, your pentium 2 has a higher bus speed than a celery does (doesn't it?) i consider this bottleneck factor important.
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Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Gnome is fugly. I bet KDE 3 doesn't run so hot on that 500mhz Celery. ;P BTW, Windows 2000 would run fine on that 500mhz Celery too.

On the contrary, I have a 500 Mhz K6-2, and KDE 3 runs just fine, actually much faster than KDE 2.  

See, some software actually improves its efficiency in later versions, rather than requiring more and more power from the hardware just for the same functionality as before, like some companies......


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KDE 3 doesn't run so hot on my P166 w/64 MB RAM...and that's about it. XPiss won't even install on there. But m0r suggested I use BlackBox, and that runs great on there.

As for my PII 300 w/128 notebook, it runs pretty damn nicely on there. XP installs, but CRAWLS on that machine.

There's my 2 cents.


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kde 3 seem to work just fine on my thinkpad 600. its a 266mhz p2 and ive got it loaded with 192 megs of ram. gnome2 even works with it but im starting to dislike gnome agian. kde is a desktop that is intergrated very well. but it isn't intergrated so tightly that i have to run it to run apps that use it. a wmaker setup with qt and kde and gtk and gnome lib's installed is very very fun to use
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and the celey's bit ass. for what you would use a celeron for, use a c3. it is cheaper and uses less power and runs cooler at that
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!