I read this review of Jag on the Reg:
http://www.theregus.com/content/39/26111.htmlWhile I agree with a few of their complaint's, their negative attitude to the OS is bafling to me. I haven't experienced even a quarter of the problems, or drawbacks that this person has.
I mean, he claims the install took 1:45 minutes!!! I installed this thing on an old first gen. iMac and it didn't take more than 45Minutes. Here on my speedy dual 800 G4 it took under 15.
He also says that webbrowsing in X sux, um.... I thought the Reg was about free software? What the fuck happend to Mozilla or any of the other dozens of browsers out there.
He also says, it takes 3-4 seconds to open Get Info!! Again, this isn't even true on the old ass iMac.
I really, don't know what the fuck their on about. Have any of the OSX users on the board had a similar experience???
Let me also add, WTF is their beef with the Dock???
Anyway, they also brush by 3 party Apps. and customization of the OS as less than a footnote.
Is as if they disregard the fact that there are dozens if not hundreds 3rd party apps that modify the behavior of your sytem in inumerable ways.
Duality is NOT the only way to change themes, and sounds can be done with App's such as X sounds.
I mean for a Linux centric publication, they sure seem to be down on 3rd party apps. and support.
whatever. Just an irritating review.
[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]