Operating Systems > macOS
PC Compatible Macs
Sounds like a very neat system. Are you sure that the card has a Pentium/100 or is it instead a 5x86/100? The 5x86/100 runs more like a pentium/66 (which isn't too bad if you run a light OS).
Make sure you put Windows 95 and not 98 on there, either way.
98 runs fine on a P66. Windows Me runs fine on that, too.
I don't know who bullshitted people into thinking that Windows Me was anything more than Windows 95 with IE5 installed.
I cant get the fucker to work right. The only pre-osx full mac install disks that i have are OS 7.1.2 and 9.1. This macs minimum os requirement in OS 7.5.4 Shit. I tried putting the HD in an older power mac, installing and upgrading to 7.5.5, then putting it back... and i ran into all kinks of hiccups. Supposedly the container files the you make for windows to use dont work right when you make them under OS9 and there are also some write error problems with OS9. Fuck. So I gave up on the PC card and took it out. Now I tried putting OS9 on it to use it as a regular mac but it keeps freezing up when installing the OS. Son of a mother fuck. I figured it may be bad ram. I did some troubleshooting by taking out one stick of ram at a time and running the installer to see if one of the ram sticks was bad. Nope. Not unless they all happend to be bad. It could be the CD drive. I know it is not the CD. When 7.5.5 was on there, the cd drive would not mount cds for some reason. I thought their may be something wrong with the cdrom extention so i put in a different one and that did not do dick. The problem could also be with the motherboard, which in that case i am really fucked. Oh well, if the pile of these macs is still around, i may pick up several more to add to my collection. At lest a few of the others from the lab must work. But i think the garbage company took them away last week :( I will see when i go to work tomorrow and pick up as many as i can if they are still there. Anybody want one?
system 7.5.3
and there is a free upgrade to 7.5.5 floating around.
quote:Originally posted by sauron.game-host.org:
system 7.5.3
and there is a free upgrade to 7.5.5 floating around.
--- End quote ---
That is just an update, and i already have it plus the 7.5.5 update. I need a full install disk of 7.5.5
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