Operating Systems > macOS
Actually, now that I've come off my high of crack cocaine, I have managed to discover an eerie similarity between the eMac and another education-only Mac Apple released some time before.. the All-In-One G3.
[ April 30, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
You know. The eMac is growing on me the more I look at it. The same thing happend with the new iMac, at firt I thought it was an absurdist sculpture, now I think it's cute. I saw one in person and the thing is simply awasome, Apple certainly has it's design asthetics down pat.
The new eMac is kind of cool. Especially for classrooms for which it was intended. But if teachers were afraid about kids breaking the new iMac's LCD screen (which BTW is VERY securely attached to the stem) I wonder how the teachers will react to little kids poking holes in those nifty speakers?
Didn't that prove to be a problem with the Quicksilvers? And even the Quicksliver's speakers are sunken in to a rather deep, 2 or three inch indentation. Imagine how tempting it is to poke those totaly exposed speakers on the eMac.
If anything, that was a careless choice.
I think the eMac isn't bad, really. It's kind of cute. They took the iMac (the old one) and redesigned it in line with more current products (the last 17-inch CRT monitor, mixed with the new iMac) so that it fits in better.
The speakers have grilles on them. Some pictures show them; some don't (like the one above). Don't worry about them being damaged easily.
And the design isn't really consumer-oriented anyway -- it's targeted to schools only, after all.
I had an idea for an eMac years ago! But did anyone listen? No! They said, "Macman, you are insane!" I guess I sure as hell showed em who's insane now! (maniacal laughter continues for quite a while)
I think it's starting to grow on me, too. It looks kind of like a pregnant Color Classic with a bigger screen, actually.
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