Operating Systems > macOS
max are confusing
Master of Reality:
a couple questions:
do macs use a different kind of network cable (other than rj-45 or coaxle)?
Is there anyway to use a modem kinda like a network card to hook it into a network??
They use yer average, everyday Cat-5 cables.
I'm not sure what you're asking in your second question.
[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
a couple questions:
do macs use a different kind of network cable (other than rj-45 or coaxle)?
Is there anyway to use a modem kinda like a network card to hook it into a network??
--- End quote ---
All G3 Macs and quite a few before that use regular CAT-5 cables.
Macs DO have something called Appletalk (the older ones, anyway) but it can't be used to do what you are describing.
Master of Reality:
I am usin a powerbook 180 (OS 7.1)
cat-5 is the shielding level on it(isnt it?).
I only have a modem in my mac laptop and i dont have dialup internet, but i want to connect my mac to the net somewhow.
[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
It is my understanding that you can ling up your mac to a local network and share the connection from there. That's how I share the DSL line at home. A couple of OS9 iMac's and one OSX. They are all connected to a local network and share the same DSL line.
Is this the sort of thing you are after?
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