Operating Systems > macOS
New Mac newsletter
<Emanuel Stewart>:
Hi guys,
it's time for my weekly MAC OS X NEWSLETTER :
- ISSUE 1 -
- steve jobs recently said at a convention that future verisons of Mac OSX will allow users to download files larger than 1.4kb from the internet. reason for this feature being delayed so long is said to be internal disagreement upon whether to go ahead and allow 1.3kb/hr downloads in august or wait till 1.4kb/hr in early jaunary when floppy disk prices go down.
- rumor is with OS X version 2.4 users will be able to 'shrink' and 'resize' windows. I'm anxiously awaiting this and am totally excited.
that's it for issue 1. stay tuned.
You almost enter the shadow of wit, but don't quite make it.
In order to be witty, your remarks have to at least be partly based on reality. Yours aren't.
Nice try, troll.
Closing this thread . . .
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