Well, as you probably remember my former iBook's HD 'bit the dust' so to speak. Instead of fixing it though, I sold it and ordered the new G4 one with the 14" display. I'm still waiting for it to arrive and I can't wait to use OS X again.
How does the above paragraph fit into this topic you may ask. Well, it has come to my attention, after reading various topics on various Mac-related forums, that Apple has dramatically dropped its quality control. That, in a few words, means that they are using cheaper hardware than they at least did some years ago.
Don't get me wrong. I like Apple's products and this is why I ordered a new iBook in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, they are still centuries ahead than x86-pased personal computers.
However, it is also true that the quality of Apple's products has dropped. Just take a minute to remember the Powerbook's white spots fault, the failing iBooks' hard drives, logic boards and so on...
To sum things up, I believe that Apple deliberately dropped its products' quality to pay off its debt. Not that there is something wrong with it either. I am happy that they did finally pay it off and will now be M$-independent, but as Jimmy James has written various times, the fact remains. Quality has dropped, while quantity has grown to extraordinary proportions.
PS: iBooks sell like crazy!! I was told that the 12" iBook would not arrive until 2 weeks after my order, at least here in Italy!! Good news indeed