Operating Systems > macOS
Apple pays off its debt!
quote: Team,
Today is a historic day of sorts for our company. When I arrived back at Apple in mid-1997, the company was burdened with $1 billion of debt. Through everyone's hard work we turned Apple around, paid off the majority of our debt and began to amass a war chest of cash in the bank which has grown to about $4.8 billion! But there was still $300 million of remaining debt, which we decided to hold to maturity.
Today we used $300 million of our cash to pay off this remaining debt.
Apple is now a debt-free company
I feel good that I responded to this.
More excellent news: Apple's profit soar by 550%!
The Anti-Microsoft:
Apple is dead!
[ February 25, 2004: Message edited by: Anonymous Coward ]
quote:Originally posted by Anonymous Coward:
Apple is dead! ;)
--- End quote ---
You suck.
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