Operating Systems > macOS

OS X power?


Hello all.I, having been virtually penniless for a good few years :-( managed last month, thanks to an inheritance, to get myself a dual G4 500mhz (the ONLY computer I've always wanted!)
Anyway, having only used a 7600 604 before i was impressed to say the least with the power :) I was wondering how far anyone on this forum has 'pushed' their mac under X? I say this because I am writing this in netscape 4.79, under Mandrake Linux, running in full screen on my 2nd monitor (on a voodoo 3 3000, they do work under X sometimes 8-)under virtual PC, whilst also running Macos 10.1.4, in which is running: distributed.net OGR-25 (terminal)
folding at home (graphic)
Setiathome X 2 (2 terminals)
Mozilla 1rc1
cpu monitor
mail and icq.
I have to add that all these apps are running very smoothly, is there a limit to what OS X can take? :)
Lemme know!


quote:Originally posted by hmd:
is there a limit to what OS X can take? :)
Lemme know!
--- End quote ---

Nope.... try hitting the computer with a sledgehammer, that's about it  :D

OS X is the coolest thing in the universe!!!


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