Author Topic: .Mac overprice Petition  (Read 3627 times)


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.Mac overprice Petition
« Reply #15 on: 20 July 2002, 21:22 »
I just signed it:
19457 Signatures Total


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.Mac overprice Petition
« Reply #16 on: 20 July 2002, 21:39 »
.Mac Sux! Period!

Just look at the amount of sigs on each petition. 500+ vs. 19000+!


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.Mac overprice Petition
« Reply #17 on: 21 July 2002, 21:34 »

what exactly do u have against x86?

It is the cheapest, widest available, seems to be the fastest (in the affordable price range) and seems to be the most expandable.  I know apple claims that their computers are faster than pentium's but I doubt it.  my PowerMac 733MHz G4 runs a hell of a lot slower than out dual 900 pentium system in Photoshop.  It also runs slower than my 1GHz and 1.2GHz Athlons.

This is OSX and WinXP comparison.  I know OS 9 is faster, but it is only fair to use the 2 newest operating systems in a face off, do u not agree?


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.Mac overprice Petition
« Reply #18 on: 21 July 2002, 21:48 »
It's not so much that x86 that sucks, it's Windows that *really* sucks.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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.Mac overprice Petition
« Reply #19 on: 22 July 2002, 02:23 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates:

what exactly do u have against x86?

It is the cheapest, widest available, seems to be the fastest (in the affordable price range) and seems to be the most expandable.  I know apple claims that their computers are faster than pentium's but I doubt it.  my PowerMac 733MHz G4 runs a hell of a lot slower than out dual 900 pentium system in Photoshop.  It also runs slower than my 1GHz and 1.2GHz Athlons.

This is OSX and WinXP comparison.  I know OS 9 is faster, but it is only fair to use the 2 newest operating systems in a face off, do u not agree?

Try a dual 800 or a dual 500 G4 vs. the same system and you will see a world of diffrence. The 733 was a bit of a fiasco cuz it benchmarked lower than even the dual 500Mhz machines. Right now the dual 500's are the best cheep mac's available if you can find one. The dual 800's too.

It's true that they got AMD's to beat a dual G4 1Ghz. But the machine was a dual 2Ghz and the diffrence was less than 30%. And on certain more hardware intensive tasks that took advantage of altivec the Mac pulled ahed. That's what the benchmarking on Apple's site showes.

This was an old topic coverd a long time ago in the Mac forum. You can look back into the history if you are interested.