Author Topic: The G5  (Read 3700 times)


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The G5
« Reply #45 on: 29 September 2003, 17:29 »
i like milk :  :confused:


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The G5
« Reply #46 on: 29 September 2003, 19:37 »
Originally posted by Viper:

The speed potential differnce between what you suggested and that p4 2.4c is worth the extra $100. $300 for 3.2ghz w/800mhz FSB and Hyperthreading is a really is.

[ September 29, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Meh, I'd rather spend my money, on a dual 2Ghz (better yet dual 3Ghz at christmass) with 1Ghz FSB, and 8GB of 400Mhz DDR RAM.


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The G5
« Reply #47 on: 29 September 2003, 19:50 »
It's funny how you mention the 1ghz FSB. An overclocked P4 [email protected] - 3.2ghz runs a FSB that is effectively over 1ghz.

CPU @ 3.12ghz
Quad pumped 260mhz FSB = 4x260mhz = 1040mhz FSB
CPU @ 3.19ghz
Quad Pumped 265mhz FSB = 4x265mhz = 1060mhz FSB

One time I really pushed my stock air cooling and got the CPU to near 3.3ghz and it was effectivley running on a 1.1ghz FSB.

So a 1ghz FSB isn't really impressive to me. ;P

Granted, the current P4's can't address over 4GB of Ram because that is the limit of the 32-bit architecture. The Prescott and the Tejas will solve that problem though. Honestly, not many people even use 4GB of Ram let alone over 4GB. The people who do are likely to own something like an Itanium 2 anyways(A high-end 64-bit Server chip). 4GB of Ram on a desktop is literally overkill.

[ September 29, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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The G5
« Reply #48 on: 30 September 2003, 00:03 »
but it can be overclocked to 3.2ghz with stock air-cooling with no hitch.  

YOur only thinking as if it were you yourself using the machine.  YOur always talking about how you can overclock processors and what not.  What you don't get is that businesses and universities don't have time to over clock all of their hundreds of PC's just to get a better performance for their price.  Besides price and performance are defined in so many ways.  Price isn't just how much money you pay to get the machine to your house.  And performance isn't just how much number crunching a CPU can pull off.

I think thats why Virginia Tech is using the G5's for their supercomputer cluster.  I'm betting software was a big issue with it also.
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The G5
« Reply #49 on: 30 September 2003, 00:48 »
I still think the RISC vs CISC argument comes down to efficiency over power.

the RISC concept goes for efficient execution of simple code. CISC goes for breakneck execution of relatively complex code.

In the end, RISC, running at a slower clock is keeping up with CISC running at drastically higher clocks, but it's still easier for CISC to pull away than it is for RISC to keep up, for some reason.

No way is better, they're just different means of reaching the same end
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The G5
« Reply #50 on: 30 September 2003, 11:36 »

Im not sure what settings were used on this test, so  it might be as you said, however my point is that linux can play games and play them well.
Kansas City Hustle


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The G5
« Reply #51 on: 30 September 2003, 11:43 »
Originally posted by Jimmy the Shyster:
I was under the impression that in GL got accelerated through DirectX in version 9.

I officially retract my claim. I was mistaken as to their 3D architecture!     :eek:  

As for what I said about Linux... no, for what I do (audio recording/editing with realtime effects) Linux can't do it. It's not because of the OS, but because of the rather poor, inconsistant implementation of sound drivers.

And lack of apps for high end recording and editing.

I'm sorry. I don't come and flame you out when you say something negative about Mac OS. Linux isn't cut out for media production (although I was just informed that video editing is quite good). It can't do it all... audio isn't that easy.

I'm sorry... it just isn't. does that make you sad?      :(  

[ September 28, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy the Shyster ]

Listen, Im sorry, I become too emotional about this linux thing. To each his own. Anyway I have to agree with Viper here. Those Apple Benchmarks are fishy. I want to see Toms Hardware, or PC magazine, or someone unbiased do a true comparison. I see Apple gaming benchmarks and they always outperform a P4, but I look at the frames per second the P4 was doing, and it is 200 fps less than it usually does. If this isnt odd I dont know what is.

Apple has yet to convince me that their pc is the fastest as they claim. My question for you mac guys is, where are the Dual G5 computers? I havent seen them at the stores. Is Apple not releasing them? I would like a test of the retail version of this pc to be done. I mean the version that people like us will buy, not the version that Apple Optimized to get high scores on a benchmarks.

[ September 30, 2003: Message edited by: ThePreacher ]

Kansas City Hustle


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The G5
« Reply #52 on: 30 September 2003, 12:18 »
my mummy makes me toasted sandwiches wiff chicken and cheese


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« Reply #53 on: 30 September 2003, 12:20 »
the dual g5s were delayed a bit so that they sent them out to the schools first
just say know


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The G5
« Reply #54 on: 30 September 2003, 14:48 »
I have seen and used the dual 2GHz G5. one was on display at the local Apple retailer. the owner special ordered it and it arrived days ago.

it's pretty fast. I can't vouch for any firm numbers, but she's a quick one.

Preacher, I'm not gonna hold it against ya. I've come over as really overzealous many times, and I can really be a dick. I apologize for that little remark in my last post. It was outta line. I still don't see Linux as being good for media production. I hear good things about VideoGIMP, but I haven't tried it. It sounds really nice, but I wanna get hands on with it! Linux still doesn't have the capabilities or the software for audio production, though.
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The G5
« Reply #55 on: 30 September 2003, 18:14 »
I understand your point of view, and I apologize again. Linux isnt the swiss army knife of operating systems yet. There is always room for improvement.
Kansas City Hustle


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The G5
« Reply #56 on: 1 October 2003, 04:07 »
. Linux isnt the swiss army knife of operating systems yet.

But soon. It holds the most potential for reaching that level of development.
Go the fuck ~