The only reason I started this thread, to be honest, was to have a destination link for the "discuss this article in our forums!" link from the OS X Jaguar story I posted yesterday (Thursday June 6).
And one of the main reasons I posted that article was to kick up the traffic to this site by submitting the article to so they'd link to it. The last time I did this -- last December, with the old OS X 10.2 preview article -- they linked to the site, and I was in heaven. I could tail -f the server log file, and it just CONTINUOUSLY SCROLLED. I was just loving it.
This time around, some douche at said he couldn't add the link. Had a problem with the name of the site. Even though I said he could attribute it as "Microsoft Eradication Society" instead of, and he could use in the link URL instead of I e-mailed him back to remind him of this fact, and that they published the link back in December . . . so why not now?
"I'm the new guy . . . different tastes, I guess," was his response. Dipshit.
(OK, yeah, so I'm bitter because I spent a few hours last night just to put the article up, which in turn I did just because I wanted an injection of traffic, and I didn't get it, so I'm bitter. Blah.)
Alright, just wanted to vent. Thanks. So now that I've done that . . . hey, Debaser X, can you tell us more about Jaguar?