Author Topic: Mac OS X Jaguar  (Read 1406 times)


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« on: 7 June 2002, 06:16 »
Jaguar.  It's the code name for the next release of Mac OS X.  And it will own.



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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #1 on: 7 June 2002, 06:21 »
yes it most certainly will own.
By that time I will own a Mac laptop wiht OSX on it.  Jaguar looks to make OSX even better than it already is.  
Anyone who claims otherwise should be shot.

Master of Reality

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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #2 on: 7 June 2002, 07:02 »
If only i had a G4 with OSX. I bet if i sold all 4 of my computers i could get one!
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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #3 on: 7 June 2002, 07:27 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality / Bob:
If only i had a G4 with OSX. I bet if i sold all 4 of my computers i could get one!

Actually you can get a nice G4 with OSX for about $1200.  Apple has decided to release their E-mac for everyone to buy.  I looks like an old Imac, but has a bigger flat screen and much more power.

And if you're wondering you can still buy the clasic Imac G3's with OSX, they start at around $700.


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #4 on: 7 June 2002, 21:04 »
To run Jaquare your going to nead at least a GeForce II or Radeon card  :(

I don't see why they cant allow it to work on lower end models? Surely there will be some sort of workaround for this eather official or non-official.

I mean, running OSX on a 233 iMac makes a great server, so why the hell be forced to upgrade your hardware to have snapier graphics??? That to me is annoying.

Overall OSX Jaguare sounds great, iChat tho, that sounds real dumb and will be in the trash along with Outlook, Apple Mail App, and IE.

Long live Mozilla 1.0! Best browser in the universe  :D


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #5 on: 7 June 2002, 21:57 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
To run Jaquare your going to nead at least a GeForce II or Radeon card   :(  


Overall OSX Jaguare sounds great, iChat tho, that sounds real dumb and will be in the trash along with Outlook, Apple Mail App, and IE.

I don't think that you absolutely NEED a high end card.  I read the site and it says 'reccomended', meaning it would be best if you used said card but not absolutely needed.
And Ichat is like AIM, but crappy.


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #6 on: 7 June 2002, 22:05 »
I never understood why there were so many people who don't get it.  I'd see them on other forums, getting upset and furious, thinking that a 32MB graphics card was REQUIRED for Jaguar.  And those who understood that it was recommended, not required, still got mad because they thought you'd need the 32MB card to get the SAME speed 10.1 gives you, and that it'd be SLOWER if you didn't have one.

The fact is, Jaguar will run faster than 10.1, REGARDLESS.  This is according to beta testers who are using the real thing, even on machines that don't have one of the "blessed" video cards.  But if you DO have one, it'll run even faster than that.


iChat isn't crap; you can turn off the little bubbles and have a normal AIM window, if you want to.  It does what it's designed to do really well -- be an AIM replacement, plus add new functionality (plug into a new network, and it automatically 'discovers" all other Macs on the network and adds them to a temporary "buddy list" for you, so you don't have to try hunting people down in the office to find out their user IDs to chat with them).  Don't know about you, but in my universe, that's more in the "kick-ass" domain than the "crap" domain.

Gooseberry Clock

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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #7 on: 7 June 2002, 22:44 »
I believe this image pretty much sums up my feelings toward Apple:

[ June 09, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #8 on: 7 June 2002, 22:56 »
Hey webman, I don't think it sux at all! Im sorry if I gave that impression, I can't wait till Jaguare, I think it will be fantastic.

I was missinformed about the videocard issue, and if what you say is true, it will be even better for my low-end iMac server.

As far as iChat is concerned, I have never been a big fan of integrated messanger clients, I think it's great that it's compatible with AOLIM and stuff, I just don't want it to turn into another MSN middleware integrated OS "feture" that can only be bad news. Not that I expect Apple to stoop to that low, but you never know.

As for goosebunny:

The iPod is the best selling and most highly rated MP3 player. Not only that, but it's a cheep 10GB, portable hardrive!

There are people who are actually programming PDA style applications for it considering that the iPod runs a striped down, and modified version of MacOS 1.0, you can probably do more with it than you could with palm OS.

Another nifty thing is the story of some guy who walked into CompUSA and downloaded all of their software to his iPod and walked out. Not that I condone that sort of thing, but I think the capabilities of the little gadget are astounding  :D

Anyway, I think Jaguare is gonna rock, sorry to give an impression otherwise.


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #9 on: 8 June 2002, 01:55 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
considering that the iPod runs a striped down, and modified version of MacOS 1.0, you can probably do more with it than you could with palm OS.

I hadn't heard that it runs Mac OS 1.0 (I have System 1 on floppy, j00t). Can you send along a few links to back that up?

debaser x

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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #10 on: 8 June 2002, 02:04 »
O K , anyone feeling like less of a man running OSX on a G3, never fear, Ive been running the dev seed version of Jaguar, and its blazingly fast, I think its up there with 9.1 in the snappiness department, its much more of a speed improvement than the OSX to OSX.1 update was, I cant friggin wait for its official release......OSX is going to takeover the world!  :D


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #11 on: 8 June 2002, 02:15 »
Originally posted by Ravuya:

I hadn't heard that it runs Mac OS 1.0 (I have System 1 on floppy, j00t). Can you send along a few links to back that up?

Hey rav,

here is the wired article:,2125,51586,00.html

It talkes about the iPod hackers and such. I may be wrong about the OS on the iPod tho.

It apears a company named Pixo is responsible for it.


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #12 on: 8 June 2002, 03:16 »
This is off topic.
Gooseberry, in every topic you have posted in that I have looked at today there has been a scoll bar from hell, I think you might need to rearange you sig or remove the dead images.

Gooseberry Clock

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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #13 on: 8 June 2002, 03:31 »
Really? I just switched to 800x600 and they wrapped (this is using IE). This leaves you with two options:
  • switch to 1024x768
  • use a different browser
Once you switch to 1024x768, you'll wonder how you ever survived in 800x600.

[ June 07, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]


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Mac OS X Jaguar
« Reply #14 on: 8 June 2002, 08:07 »
The only reason I started this thread, to be honest, was to have a destination link for the "discuss this article in our forums!" link from the OS X Jaguar story I posted yesterday (Thursday June 6).

And one of the main reasons I posted that article was to kick up the traffic to this site by submitting the article to so they'd link to it.  The last time I did this -- last December, with the old OS X 10.2 preview article -- they linked to the site, and I was in heaven.  I could tail -f the server log file, and it just CONTINUOUSLY SCROLLED.  I was just loving it.

This time around, some douche at said he couldn't add the link.  Had a problem with the name of the site.  Even though I said he could attribute it as "Microsoft Eradication Society" instead of, and he could use in the link URL instead of  I e-mailed him back to remind him of this fact, and that they published the link back in December . . . so why not now?

"I'm the new guy . . . different tastes, I guess," was his response.  Dipshit.

(OK, yeah, so I'm bitter because I spent a few hours last night just to put the article up, which in turn I did just because I wanted an injection of traffic, and I didn't get it, so I'm bitter.  Blah.)

Alright, just wanted to vent.  Thanks.  So now that I've done that . . . hey, Debaser X, can you tell us more about Jaguar?